Lower than whale poop . . .
Locutus of Borg
JoinedPosts by Locutus of Borg
What Was Your Standing In The Congregation?
by minimus inwere you "loved"?
well respected?
considered a "loser"?.
Dear Wife, so sorry I checked out and drank too much last week, and thanks
by oompa infor the encouraging wt article you printed for me.
it also referenced an article about getting help from the elders in your congregation.
this is the very first thing it says: .
Locutus of Borg
Hey Oomp . .
I used to drink ALOT, you wouldn't believe how much while I was still in the collective. I hid it well and it was never an issue with the window washers, er I mean elders, there were other things that they were always after me for . . .
Anyway, after I left the kult back in 96 or so my heavy drinking tapered way off and eventually I realized that the kult was one of the principle reasons I was self medicating with Scotch and Bourbon every day. Trying to kill the guilt and low self esteem with alchohol was my way of coping, eventually all this led to debilitating panic attacks. I was a farked up mess headed for a realy serious train wreck.
I got medical help for the panic attacks and depression and got some professional help. It did not take long for me to realize that the kult was pretty much the core reason for the drinking, the depression, and the panic attacks.
One beautiful summer Sunday AM in 96 I got up and was really in dark place. I went out into my back yard and started doing yardwork instead of going to the meeting, I felt better right away. That was an "Aha!!" moment. I said to myself "I'm not doing this anymore" and walked away cold turkey from the kult, no fade, no bullshit talking wih the shoe salesmen.
Within 6 months I was off of Paxil (for the panic attacks) was not drinking at all, and was off of antidepressants.
I drink now but it does not rule my day like it used to. I like a couple glasses of wine in the evening, maybe a shot of Brandy on a cold wintery day like today. Nothing like the bottle of scotch a day habit I had when I was in.
Looking back, the cult was the reason I drank, to dull the edge of the cognitive disonance.
I know your situation is not like mine and you maybe cannot just walk away like I did. I was fortunate that my wonderful wife came with me. I have paid a price, don't get me wrong, I have lost pretty much my whole family with the exception of my youngest brother who never bought into the borganization.
In retrospect it was a heavy price to pay but worth it because I probably would not be here now If I hadn't gotten out.
I wish you peace and serenity my brother . . .
Best Concert you ever went to!!!
by purplesofa inim listening to moody blues right now, remembering a concert i went to of theirs in the early 90's when i lived in missouri.
it was by far the best concert i even have been to....they are not my favorite group but i do like them.
i wish i could bottle that night up and bring it out to play again and again.
Locutus of Borg
avishai, thanks for the Floater clip. I have to check them out
For me there are several standouts,
- Dire Straits with guest Eric Clapton, Springfield, MA 1980s
- Moody Blues, Manchester NH early/mid 1980s
- Cowboy Junkies, Toronto
- Van Halen 5150 tour, Dallas Ft Worth
- Steppenwolf, Detroit 1971??
- Crosby and Nash 70's sometime (I still have the "Nasby and Crosh" t-shirt somewhere LOL!! )
I woulda given a 'nad, maybe both, to have seen Mr. James Marshall Hendrix back in the day . .
Who is your Favorite "local" band...
by avishai inso do you know a band that's great?
that no one else in the rest of the country knows about?
or comparitively few?.
Locutus of Borg
Purps and Avishai, get the Rockplast DVD if you can. It's well worth the money. If he ever plays local try to see his show. In 1969 this kid would have been a Rock Star God.
I've known Joe B. since he was a chubby 10 year old spankin' the seasoned local players around Central NY. The first time I saw him was a local chamber of commerce type street festival. The first thing I noticed was his Stratocaster was as big as he was . . LOL Then he started playing . . Holy BatKrap, Batman!!!
He played SRV's Texas Flood (Note for frikken note withh ALL the attitude) followed by Voodoo Chile. It was a jaw dropper for me, and I've played most of my life (off and on). This kid was much, much more than a prodigy. His dad told me he was doing the whole SRV Texas Flood album note for note when he was 7.
Joe comes from a wonderful, loving family with great traditional values. He's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Absolutely Zero ego. I am blessed to know him and call him a friend.
The vocal mix is a bit muddy but this clip showcases Joe's mastery of Electric Slide on his custom Chandler. John Lee Hooker's "Burning Hell" . . .
Live at Rockpalast recorded in a 14th century Gernman castle. (I shoulda bought that gold sparkle Strat from him when I had the chance!! LOL!!) "You Upset Me Baby"
A JW Nuclear Scientist
by inkling ini ran across this article of the official jw website today.i vaguely remember reading it when it was first printed inthe wt.
the nuclear physicist (with a doctorate from a unnamed school)telling his story unabashedly defends the witness world view and stand on scientific fact and recorded history.http://www.watchtower.org/e/20040122a/article_01.htmit was articles like these that successfully kept my doubtssubmerged for many years.
here are some of the more interesting quotes:when my wife informed me of this arrangement, i immediately opposed her.
Locutus of Borg
After reading that I am positive he meant to say he was a Nucular Scientist . . .
Who is your Favorite "local" band...
by avishai inso do you know a band that's great?
that no one else in the rest of the country knows about?
or comparitively few?.
Locutus of Borg
Joe Bonamassa
Long-a$$ Letter to my A$$head Brother
by RollerDave ineven tho he said to throw it away, i sent it.
he can bite it, roll it up, take his rectal temp with it, i don't care.. at least i did the right thing even tho he told me i 'no longer matter to him' because i was charitable and supportive and that other thing.. i post it here because there are a number of points i made that could be of use to others.. maybe someone is having trouble with a teen, or maybe a teen is being treated badly and something in my letter will make em see something differently.. at least then it won't have been totally useless and a waste of time.. i swear, some days i feel about as useful as tits on a fish.. ===============================================.
Locutus of Borg
I wish i had the energy you do for A$$head relatives. . .
Well written, and the least it does is allows you to clear some junk out of your head.
Fish have tits??
by RichieRich inover the past few days... someone who i'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me.
it started with a mass mail to my myspace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.
that was the reaction of people who know me in real life.
Locutus of Borg
Ritchie! Thanks for stopping by. I'll have a beer with you anytime.
Peace, out
Your Cong = Which Songs or Band were "Demonic?" Did you toss albums?
by Witness 007 inlet me start = "kiss" stood for knights in satans service, "ac/dc" was anti-christ devils children.
"hotel california" was demonic who knew!
"yummy yummy yummy i've got love in my tummy.
Locutus of Borg
I remember Jimi Hendrix's song "Foxy Lady" being singled out at an ASS~embly back in the 60s
here I come baby, I'm coming to gitcha
edited to add:
I remember back in Ontario in the early 70s we used to have get togethers once in awhile and some of the folks who played music would put on a little show. Once I played an intrumental version of "Little Wing" . . a beautiful piece BTW, check it out if you don't know it . . . After my part an elder and his wife came up to me and said how beautiful that song was and that it made them visualize angels flying (I couldn't make this up!!) the conversation went on something ike this:
elder "Did you write that?"
me "No"
elderette "Who wrote it, it's beautiful!"
me, trying to dodge the question, "Some black kid from Seattle"
elderette "Was he a Witness, that sounds like a Witness wrote it"
me, trying to keep a straight face . . . "um, I don't think so, but it sounds like he was a very spiritual man . ."
. . . .by now we have a few more that have gathered . .
someone else "Who wrote it?"
me, still trying to dodge . . "A guy named James Marshall Hendrix, it's called Little Wing"
elderette, eyes getting wide "Jimi Hendrix?? Jimi Hendrix?? That rock star who overdosed??"
me "Yes, the same, how sad, he had such talent"
elderette, hand goes up to mouth "Gasp!" then her elder husband reacts in a similar fashion, grabs her by the elbow and steers her away from this thing that just sprouted horns, a tail and a ptchfork.
Some of the others that had gathered thought it was freakin hilarious, some did'nt care and some were upset. It was the cause of some hub bub, that guy who played a hendrix song at a christian gathering . . .
Well, the fecal matter contacted the air moving device and the songs anyone performed at any gatherings after that had to be screened and approved by the elders.
so hypocritical
I walked out of the "Oral Sex" instruction meeting today, anti witness!
by MinisterAmos inany of you ex-dubs who are wondering why you left should read the study lesson today on oral sex.
let's also consider that the borg considers it essential that the brothers bring their young childer to all the meetings and make sure that they pay attention to the material.
the material this week included a very detailed description of oral sex!
Locutus of Borg
MinisterAmos . . . to quote my dearly departed Grampa . . . "I'da paid twelve dollars to see that!"